Kelly’s son drew this amazing picture that was hanging in the hallway at his school. Kids are cool. Luckily we get to stay kids as long as we want with bike riding. Tag turns 33 today. Happy Birthday man. I once saw tag run a guys head into a garbage can after slapping him in the face, that was funny. I have also seen Tag do some wild peg grinds on some crazy shit, and get 3rd place in a jumping contest, where DMC and Jay Miron Got 1st and 2nd. Kelly baker is stoked- check out the new Dig Mag ,its good. Kelly and I rode the trails yesterday. it was 35 degrees, and snowing. The jumps worked, so we ran it until our wonderful 5pm sunset. I liked that. Check out Axel rad and sign the petition to help save the Catty Woods. More news when it happens…

Originally Posted by Steve crandall