FBM & Ride BMX’s “My Shop Kicks Ass” Contest
One of the most crucial elements to a thriving BMX scene, is a Kick Ass local shop; a place where you can hangout, check out videos, new bike parts, magazines, ask annoying questions, and lose important tools. A good local shop is often times the epicenter for BMX Stokeage, bringing riders together, exposing kids to BMX, helping fix trashed back wheels, stripped out goosenecks, and more. The local shop is there for the riders, the scene, and often the beginning point for when the good times roll….
FBM and Ride want to help showcase some of those kickass shops out there, so we are giving away a ton of awesome prizes to one lucky rider and his local shop.
Tell FBM and Ride BMX why your local shop kicks ass by emailing your reasons to myshopkicksass@fbmbmx.com. You can explain why your shop kicks ass either in words, photos, video, or any combination of the three. Text and photos should be emailed, but videos should be posted to your favorite video hosting site (like Vimeo or YouTube) with a link included in your email. Also in your email be sure to include your full name, address, and phone number, and your shops name, address, phone number, and Web address (if they have one).
All BMX dealers are eligible as long as they have a storefront catering to their local community, but that doesnt have to be their only business or method of selling BMX stuff.
The contest will last four weeks and ends on March 28th. We will post the best entries periodically during contest, and we may contact you or your local shop for additional information. The winner will be announced one week after the contest ends and posted on both the Ride and FBM Web sites.
Submissions will be judged by the crew at FBM on style and substance.
The rider with the winning submission will win a FBM V2 Warlord complete bike along with a prize package fromRide BMX and the shop will win free freight on their next order of FBM bikes, a trophy made in the FBM machine shop, along with a prize pack from Ride and FBM.

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall