Joby Springsteen, part of the FBM machine shop, and builder of his own guitar amp, is one of the homeboys putting in work on the Anthem Steadfast frames due out very soon, next time you see him, or his purple pants throw a hi five at him!
Come See the High Flying Ginch brothers and more of the FBM crew in St, louis this weekend at the ramp Riders Buck Nutty Jam, we will be on hand hosting a best trick, and a Wild Man impersonation event. Winners gets a TL 88 sticker pack!>br<
Joel Barnett, who is also one of the nice people that make FBM one of the weirdest bicycle companies to ever exist, outside of Ketch Bikes, recently put together an edit from a trip to Albany to ride the Shelter skatepark, check it out below, courtesy of The Least Most.
Wolf Den Shelter Session from Least Most on Vimeo.

Originally Posted by steve crandall