It’s wednesday, and I am listening to Black Flag, I was listening to 7 seconds a minute ago, the crappy album too, “soulforce revolution”, The radio in the Machine shop shit the bed, from Too many power ballads, so it’s quiet back there, aside from the heavy modifying going down. This weeks “whats hanging on the machine shop wall?” -I found a Fisher ad, and came across a porcelain deer that was wearing shades. Mikey Corts is stunning. A few Archived photos as well, one of Phil wasson (shot by Dolecki), FBM Legend, and proprietor of Super rat Machine Works. Phil is a good guy. I also stumbled across this pic of Martin, aka Birdman, from an old FBM ad shoot at the T-1 ramp that Sandy carson shot. Pretty interesting stuff going on in that pic. Holla At Us!
Now playing- the Boss “born in the USA”

Originally Posted by Crandialer