Kieth Terra has a new website up called 36 Exposed Its got a lot of cool pics, including awesome shots of Gilly, Dave King, Derek G., and Tony Cardona. Albes Rider, Dane Wild, is rougly 2 feet shorter than Magilla, but slides rails longer than his midfdle finger. Thanks to Flip for those shots, and for the pack of newports he hooked me up when I visited the shop. Todd’s Ipod marathon is probably playing Ned’s Atomic Dustbin right now, or Skinny Puppy….. In other news, Kerry Sayre is opening a shop called Rise Above in Lorain Ohio soon, and Van Homan is opening a shop in NJ, called 2 by 4, with Hacksaw Jim Duggan, the former WWF superstar, from Glen Falls Ny. They will both be carrying FBM shit, and a ton of other good stuff, so peep that shit when it happens. Good Luck guys. East Coast Terminal’s future does not look as promising, and these shots of the next generation Baker, Kelly’s son Benny, were shot last night. Who knows if that will ever happen again in that spot. Kelly’s son’s are 3 and 5 and already shredding, and hi fiving at the park. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree I suppose. Now Playing -Damnation “kingdom of lost souls”

Originally Posted by steve Crandall