The holiday cheer is past us, till next weekend. I am tweaked. What did Santa bring for the FBM crew? Aaron Ross won 50 bucks playing poker, Kelly Baker got a black eye, I got an extended hangover. Mike Tag got a streak going without computer problems with that old Shitluck video. Derrick got roasted. Tony C got a turbo booster for the Teeny Van. Tony Hamlin got an infection in his leg that looks like gangreen. No one told me today was a national holiday, so there is no shipping, mail or banks running today, and Big Dave is the only other dude here at FBM today, so we are going to fabricate some large spoon sleeves to go on the forklift, and make it a spoonlift, so we can scoop up a shitload of soup in a baby pool that Dave King brought up here for the holiday party. 300 gallons of creamed corn chowder. Should be a doozy.Now playing “national lust”-Drunkhorse.
Originally Posted by Steve Crandall