6-6-06 came and went, the scariest part of it was when I went to some heavy metal show, and people were wearing makeup and baggy pants with buckles and straps. I stole this pic of Aaron Ross from Dirty Old Dev Dog’s site. Aaron has a mini interview in the new Ride. He likes saved by the bell. After being on the rode for a super long time, I returned to FBM, heres a couple of pics, on is of a hybrid Kevin Robinson, with Nate Wessal dreds, and a spy shot of some new techniques in the machine shop. There is actually some new processes being worked on for the frames, that we will let you guys know about soon. Here is another pic of Tom Blyth from the UK team. To the band that Kelly Baker used to roadie for, check out Scott Townes Deliverance Site. Now Playing Descendents- “ride the wild”…

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall