Tony Hamlin was on his way back from Either winning the Metro jam in Singapore, or riding Xdreams, I am not sure which one… He was with Jason roe, here is his report- “Kink team manager Jason Roe and Me were driving back home from Xdreams Skatepark since its 20 degrees on April 10th when a seriously pimped out white hummer was making a left turn near me.So i give the Individual a very proper and well deserved middle finger and boy did it come apparent that this gem of a vehical was actually the extention of his tiny dick because he took his gesture right to heart and started chasing me around Jay Roe’s home town. I thought for sure he was just gonna monster truck over my car with his big ass Hummer… but in stead he decided abandon his pride and chase after my car on foot when i made a sudden U turn at an intersection. Jason Roe Failed to inform me that the driver was actually the actor from the totally kick ass movie 300 and at that moment i saw the first blow in his eyes (a body slam mid four lane traffic). I guess id be heated all the time if i listened to ICP too!” Tony Is something else. SPeaking of Crazy Tony’s, heres some Pics of Killa Cardona… from Everyones favorite Devon Hutchins. Tony Cardona is one Badass dude> Life’s a beach TC! Now playing- Black Sabbath- “fairies wear boots”

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall