We dropped Aaron Ross off at the Airport in Rochester to fly back to Corpus Christi, after being on the road for the past few weeks, I lucked out by checking on his flight, because he didn’t even know which airline he was on. Afterwards It was awesome burrito lunch fest with Chris reezenblackout, and Tony Hamlin. Xdreams just recently reopened, and we rode the bowl, which was super fun. Tony played pocket pinball in the corner pockets, and killed them, it was cool to see him shred the bowl, not as Shitty Twin, Jay Dizzle, and Jeremy Pavia rode as well. Fun. Kelly Baker sent some pics from his wild weekend, including Bugsy pics. Bugsy is on a roll, shitting the bed and all, heres an account straight from Kelly, of how the weekend was.- “kim and shannon (baker) had a chilli cook off saturday march 4th, I was invited and I thought it would be funny if I made some real hot chilli. I put 2 cans of jalopeno peppers and half a bottle of red pepper and it was hot. I told my bud about it and he told me he had this stuff called mega death and the stuff was lethal, he said he would get it to me. I ended up putting half the bottle in the chilli and man that stuff was bad. I tasted a little drop and my mouth burned for a half hour. My chilli was so hot it smelled like cow shit. I made a sign shaped like a skull and cross bones just to give a little warning. 8 others brought chilli and when the tasting began I scooped out 2 spoonfuls and let people have it. people would eat it and their eyes would water and their noses would run, some even puked on the spot. People were crying like their dog just died. Some even wanted to kick my ass for it. There were ballots for best chilli and I stood there and filled out about 30 for my mega death chilli. The drawing began and to everyones amazment mine took 3rd place along with 34 bucks. people couldn’t understand how the hell my hot shit got third. Everyone got hammered and did alot of dancing. Most of my buds there hooked up with chicks. Buggsie hooked up with a real prize. The end of the night was coming so I went over to get my crock pot,of coarse I had lots left. Collins had some left also, his was this loverboy chilli that had sugar in it. I emptied his and put my megadeath in his pot. He got done dancing and was starving so he went to what he thought was his and started downing it. A few seconds later he realized a swap had happened. He left the bar in a big hurry so we followed shortly later. He was outside the van he had puked and was really crying, saying baker your a bastard and he really wanted to fight me. I told him I would fight but win lose or draw he would be finding a ride home since I drove. All the way home he was pissed and bitching me out. I havent laughed that hard in a long time. Me and my chilli had made dozens of people cry and many want to fight and I got paid 34 bucks to do it. I felt and still feel like I accomplished my goal and then some. later KB”

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall