Joe Rich was nice enough to send over a couple quick snaps of Tony Cardona from his visit to Austin, was he there for Corrigans 30th birthday? we are not sure but Happy B-day Ryan, even if it is a couple days late. Old Fart. Literally. Tony Might be in Austin right now for all we know, he only answers his phone during free minutes time, and then calls from random peoples phones, at random times. He is an ape. Jeremy Pavia sent 2 pics of the Corts brothers doing Barspins. They love to eat shitty food, but they shred hard when they are not planted in front of the television, pounding chicken wings and milkshakes. Its back to being cold for a few days in NY, there was snow this morning. F that. Now Playing- Bob Dylan “all along the watchtower”

Originally Posted by Stephen Crandall