Happy Birthday Tony Cardona. Yesterday was Tony’s 22nd birthday, he celebrated by going to see RA the rugged man, with Greg Dickson, who broke the door handle and the gas flap off my car, as well as coating my wheels with heavy brake dust. Tony got the best photo of the year in the newest Ride BMX mag, doing a huge 1 footed flatty in a scooby doo costume. Tobty Forte is the second guy on the sitetoday, doing a hip table. I am not sure if Toby Is an emofag or not, but he is a Forte, which means he can shred, and is also hilarious to hang out with. JOsh Elkington is still the biggest BEAST on the UKfbm team, he was made in a cauldron, his parents are Taj, and Superwoman. The third hip table is John Dye, JOhn is not on the FBM team, but he rides a PW, and is a long time supporter of FBM, and the UK scene, he is definitely not an emofag. John Will mean eye the shit out of anyone, and blast a homemade hip built of Victorian stone.Wormz, shown here in a photo taken by russ B, of NYC, is one of our favorite riders. Look out for more info on the site about Ruel Smith ASAP.

Originally Posted by Crandall