Derrick Girard is currently in Puerto Rico with Dave King and Nutter (wolrds biggest APE!) walking tightropes, and building jumps for some Oakley event, and there is no telling what else. Mark Tanner attended the Boyley Jam this weekend, riding his new Deployer, I am not sure what he was dressed as, but, WOW! Berringer called to tell me Cam 360d the biggest gap he had ever seen, and started freaking out about his pump that he left in the van last summer. Cam was stoked. Aaron Ross is moving to Austin Texas, and was stunned when he saw pictures of the first FBM Stairmaster to hit the street in Romania, Heres Peter, who owns teh only 2 fbm’s in the whole country, popping a 180. For More Aaron news peep Woozy. Broome Tioga went down this weekend, the track is in between Ithaca and Binghamton, and holds their annual race every summer, this year, Carmicheal won again, and celebrated by Going to Bakers acres to watch East Coast legend Keith Gower shred the trails, and to go over a possible signature trail hammock deal with Kelly Baker, no shit. Now Playing- Pegboy- “Strong Reaction”

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall