The Oregon Coast


“Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.” -John Muir

What is it that we look to get out of a riding trip? Of course the answer varies from person to person, based on circumstance, etc. A lot of people asked me if the Oregon trip was for Etnies or T1, if we were making an edit or going to get clips for something else. The response was always the same- smile and say “nope, just going to ride.” And that’s what we did!

Cruising the coast from Astoria down into the Redwoods was mind blowing to say the least. A solid crew was on board the van- Joe (el capitan), Nina, Garrett and his son Noah, and Tom. The Northwest is known for it’s concrete and I quickly learned why. Some of the coolest fucking parks I’ve ever ridden… from huge trannies and pipes to creative corners and capsules, weird layouts and perfect quarters, the Oregon coastline has everything you could want! Not to mention we camped in some of the most epic places I’ve been to. It was a great little group to travel with, easy peasy, good conversation, and good silence when the time was right. Also getting to see the way everybody rode all the different parks was awesome in it’s own right. We met up with some friends along the way for riding and catching up, and met a couple local rippers and Tom even got asked to sign a some kid’s burrito haha.

I gotta say, it was one of my favorite trips I’ve been on, pretty incredible in every way. We had a rough plan, but no schedule, no commitments, no pressure. Moseying on down the coastline, stopping at plenty of coffee shacks along the way. Visiting sleepy little tourist towns, waking up at the beach, exploring sand dunes, swimming in rivers, looking up at the redwoods… And riding some of the best parks out there! It’s always nice to feel rejuvenated and excited after a trip, heading home with a clean spirit, ready to make stuff happen 🙂

Words- Danielle Windhausen, Film Photos By Dani, riding photos by Joe Rich And Nina B.








