Here are a couple of Shots of Fisher at the Ithaca Skatepark, riding a red Maneater, Fisher is a good dude. Some progress updates on the warehouse, its a painstaking process, with lots involved, including some serious electrician work, to get the machines running, and the offices operational.I am listening to Lungfish- “nothing is easy”, it could be the theme song at FBM, John Lee, the lord of all that is positive and nice, is persevering and getting orders out to crazy places like the Czech republic regardless. Stoked. Things are coming together in the new spot, and it’s looking good. One of my current favorite riders, and generally amazing individuals, Ruel “wormz” Smith, has an awesome Animal ad out, he also got a tattoo of a banana on the gypsy trip. On his Hand. Dude is a maniac! Dave King and Gilly Built jumps in Mexico. Dave drank the water! Have Fun At ray’s is this weekend, don’t miss it, lots of ramps, Kerry Sayre, Funtimes, and BKFBM, repping hard for the Hudson Valley!

Originally Posted by Steve crandall