The Stowaway/FBM trip throughout Australia is winding down, we are currently in a rainstorm in Brisbane, and I am poaching wireless from Matty of Tempered Bikes.
To say we have had a blast, and met tons of great people would be an understatement, and on behalf of the guys on the trip, I want to send a shout out to all the massive Australian Apes we’ve met, including Rhysty, Bentley, Wolfey and the BackBone crew, the riders in Sydney, Luke form Newcastle, Nick Cooper and friends, Mitch and everyone from the Gold Coast Area, Damo, Kano, Steve and friends at Ride On in Brisbane,Tempered Matty, Jarvis, and weird Dave rubles…all the welcoming and friendly bmxers we’ve met, it’s freaking awesome… Look for some cool pics and media soonish.
Big Thanks to Jamie Moore for making it happen.

Originally Posted by steve