Derrick Girard is not like most riders, or most people for that matter. He is a bit of a recluse these days, living and working in the far stretches of the northeast in Maine, but when he is around, people notice, referring to him as the OG Ape!
For this years Belmar comp, he took a 25 hour motorcycle trip with Clint Reynolds, on a Gypsy Harley, with a Buell motor, his bike and bag on the back, and a pair of shades. While camping at bakers acres, with a handle of JIm Beam, he turned into a zombie, and slept in the dirt.
On sunday, there was a session on the jumps, Derricks axle nuts on his BMX had rattled off on the journey, and he lost the straddle cable to his brakes. He ended up borrowing a few peoples bikes and riding anyhow. At one point, prior to the 1 handed x up, i saw him polish off the remainder of the handle of Beam, like it was a swig of gatorade, and not even flinch. Cheers to the

Originally Posted by steve