You want some random news? Gilly Shows up at FBM on Friday,and all hell brakes loose.Big Dave was hired out by Marco at Props to clone 7 Stew Johnsons. Pictured here, Dave Explains how he had to Shut Leland Up long enough to weld up the 4 remaining Stew Clones Before the Next Road fools. Mike Corts was jumping up and Down in the Machine Shop, since he found out Leland will be Driving the Team Major Air Crew in the Shitluck Vegetable Rig, on Mega Tour. John Corts did Not comment.Leif Valin Will not be on Mega Tour, as he is in Colorado, doing Yeloow taxi Surveillance. Jeff Harrington Is packing up Morris day Signature frames in Last Call, While Chunk shoots photos with Dipset, after going to Kennedy’s Fried Chicken, to treat them all to Beef Patty Cocoa Bread with Cheese. Ott was not stoked they all had shotguns, but you gotta keep it gangster in this day and age. Punksatawny Phil Kept it Gangster today, and punked out his own shadow in an attempt to further prove the theory of global warming, and get us some spring weather 6 weeks early. Who is the lunatic that Invented Groundhog day. Its the most outrageous concept ever, “hey, if this little furry ratty Animal sees his shadow, we’ll be able to predict the weather…” Gilly Says he likes Punksatwany Phil, but says he is full of shit. We all agree the movie was ok. Have fun Super bowling this weekend, I am going BMXing…. Now Playing THe Bomb- Indecision.

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall