Bryan Tarbell has always been really good about contributing photos of his buddies for the FBM site, and we are thankful to him for that, I asked him the other day if he wanted to send over a few of his favorite pics, and some captions, and he sent them over this morning, in all their colorful glory, Bryan shoots both Film and digi pics, in several formats, enjoy these… and thanks again Sweet Baby!
1. This is my buddy Ryan. With a background in both motocross AND cigarette smoking, it’s no surprise to see him blast this nac-nac over the hip at the Binghamton skatepark.
2. John Corts again, this time motivated and in December. As harsh as the Binghamton winters usually are, he had no trouble taking a two-hour lunch break to fire out this over-to-pegs for the camera.
3. Big Dave, in all his inked-up glory. While this wasn’t for the FBM site, it did tie in with an article on the addition of custom frames to the FBM line. Pretty funny seeing Dave in his underwear on ESPN.com.
4. Shortly after moving to Albany, I started riding around with Devon Swahlan quite a bit. He is completely stoked to go on any sort of bmx mission. This is from Northampton, Mass. Devon Swahlan was able to bone out this can jam in a deep and steep bowl.
5. I have known Greg Bloss for quite a long time. Throughout the years, we’ve spent hundreds of hours riding together, along with being roommates and travel buddies. That being said, I have many photos of him doing a turndown. This example is from the concrete park in Binghamton.
6. The Burden Lake pool has been one of my very favorite spots ever since I saw it in an old issue of Props years back. Any time I have had the pleasure of riding this pool, it was due to Brien Kielb cleaning it out before we got to town. Here he is enjoying a tight wall carve after returning the rental pump.
7. Nic Fioretti is one of those riders that will ask you if you think something will work, and before you are ready to answer, he has already turned it into a science. This is one of the wilder moves I have ever seen on a vert wall.
8. For those of you that are unaware, Binghamton is home to not only FBM, but also to the infamous HCS. The ever-changing park layout has included everything from steel beams, 14 full pipes and bowled-in rooms. The pleasure of the park is that you get to figure out the transitions with your friends. Riding this room stands out as a memory. As we each took turns trying to survive this deceptive bowl. Randy Spoor was smiling even as he was attempting to break through to the second story.
9. It is always somewhat a mystery to what Joel Barnett has going on in his head. I cant count the times I have seem him get out of his car with some sort of strange get up or misappropriation of facial hair. This photo was shot prior to Cinco de Mayo. As we were shooting this, I learned that Joel had actually requested to work the holiday so that he could wear his sombrero.
10. The funny part about this photo is that we decided to shoot it as John Corts and I were coming back from a skatepark meeting. It had just finished raining; a common occurrence in Binghamton. We knew we were short on daylight, and wanted to take advantage of this sunset. So, John having left his bike at home, learned how to do a barspin on my bike and got it done first try.

Originally Posted by steve