While we are all in New York, bringing in the New Year with Ice, Snow, and a lot of work to get caught up on, Captain Fun, C-hunk, is down in Florida eating white trash Cheetos, and basking in the sun, on his brand new Deployer Big Dave Welded up for him on his Birthday. The New frames are posted on the products pages, so you can get a better idea on the specs on those Badboys. C-hunk made sure Curtis was in tip top shape to get them inspected before they went out to shops. Ryan Corrigan, and Derrick Girard have nothing to do with any of the news updates today, although Derrick did take a snowmobile to the top of Maine, near the Canadian border at 3am on New Years, and Corrigan did a Scary Dance for tommy at the Ritz. Do the curly shuffle….

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall