Aaron Ross’s signature frame, the “Stairmaster” is in production. Big Dave and the crew are working on getting them built as wee speak. They will be available in about a couple of weeks. The new Deployers are ready to go to Heat treating as we speak. Stairmasters will also feature NIL-8 heatreating/stress relief, and will be available in 20.5, 20.75, and 21 inch toptubes, witha 74.5 dgree Headtube, 71 degree seattube, 11.5″ BB height, a 13 5/8″ slammed rearend, Integrated headset, and a mid BB. Its light too. Heres a sequence of Aaron 360ing a gap, stolen directly from Old Dirty Dev Dog. I also stole 2 pics of Tony Cardona at the Elevation Jam, from Fatbmx and BMXonline. Tony said tha jam was super fun, and that Gilly threw him down the mountain at the after party. Dave King let Tony Use his bike, since the Airline lost his Bike. Great. Captain Fun will avenge the loss of any sweet dudes bike. Captain Fun aslo wanted everyone to know about the new FBM hubguards, in new colors…. Holla. Now Playing -Frank Black and the Catholics- “Massif Centrale”

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall