I stole these pics from Old Dirty Devon Hutchins Photo Site, some good ones of the boys down in Texas gettin it done. Ryan Corrigan helped add onto the beast of a ramp at T1. Joe Rich probably drank more coffee than most bmxers, while helping Ryan dial that place right in, or vice versa. 2 Apes. Ryan has officially built the most bowl corners out of anyone I know. trying posting that on youtube. Tony Cardona is simply an awesome bike rider. Enough said. Kie Ashworth pic courtesy of Jamie Moore at Stowaway. jamie is a nice dude. Peep the FBM myspace page to see whats new, Tony Hamlin and John Lee update that sucker randomly, and you can ask them questions. Check the Deliverance site for cool pics and whatnot. Random info- I walked into a bar last night, some guys says. “hey are you that guy on Fuel channel?” I reply “yes”, He says, “man I hate bikes…” and I just say thanks. that was awesome. Thanks Marco. More pics after the weekend… Have Fun Ya’ll!

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall