Kelly Baker Grabbed a motley bunch, and picked my ass up on the way to X dreams for a post holiday session. It was semi early when we got there, so it wasn’t crowded yet, so we rode our asses off, until half the schoolaged population of Rochester showed up with their new razor scooters the got for christmas. No school is usually a bad time for going to a skatepark, but we lucked out the first half of the day, then sessioned the bowl when it got packed. Lots of curved wallrides, Kelly was Juicing it both ways, and Jammer boosted it. Almost Immediately after that i saw a kid in pajamas get stuck in the bowl, and take nearly 10 minutes to climb out. By then Tony Hamlin had finally showed up with the shit twins, who broke his back window, and had his entire car destroyed with Xmas Cookies, and a crumbled mess, it was a site. Tony rode good, as did Tom Dillon. Good times.

Originally Posted by steve crandall