Traveling this week is super fun so far, It seems like everyone is having a blast, and all the youg bucks are riding amazing. The old guys ain’t too bad either. Du Rags and rude awaknings have been in full stock. If you aren’t sure what a rude awakaning is, its something along the lines of waking up to an air horn, or being lit on fire, or what have you. Its hilarious if you are not on the receiving end. Its not as funny when you are. Tennesee is awesome, the city of Nashville gave us free dinner and drinks last night, A crackhead gave us breakfast at Waffle House, and then pulled a knife out on Captain Fun, and threatened to sleep with every person on the rig. No thanks. The crew at FBM are cranking out bikes and the like, if you are bored give Jeff or John Lee a call at Last Call and see whats going on. Word up.

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall