This Video was released in 1995, after a few months of traveling in Indiana, Ohio, Chicago, Iowa and even our first trip to Southern California. Gilly and I drove out to Huntington Beach with Kevin Landis, in a stripped down 1980 Datsun, with no radio and bad shocks. Some time after getting back from that trip we compiled the footage shown in this video, while we lived at the Fat House. After I Feeble grinded a flaming bench out of the front door, we nearly lit the entire porch on fire accidentally. Coincidentally, that house burnt down years later…This was way before HD, and twitter, but the riding in some of the video is still relevant to this day, even though we filmed it on a borrowed camera and edited in Chris Rye’s basement. There are some legends in this video, see if you can scope them….
Originally Posted by steve crandall