Yesterday, I decided to hit up some dirt bumps for some get rads in the afternoon, it was 95 degrees, which is warm, and sweat was pouring down my face. While mid run, I felt something on my eyebrow, figuring it was just sweat, but when I hit the first jump, I soon realized it was a bee, or a wasp, or some woodland creature that stings. I came to that conclusion, because mid air, whatever it was, was trapped between my glasses and my face, and started stinging the shit out of me! I quickly dumped it, and shook my head frantically, swatting at my face like a kook, and it finally buzzed away. Sting Ray Bans! Any rate, regardless of the distractions, and ballups, riding bikes is still super fun, I love it!
If you haven’t seen the new Flip Book, for the V3 completes, and FBM goodies, check it out, really good looking stuff in there.
Check out the new Catalog from Stowaway as well, great photos, product and overall design, it awesome…

Originally Posted by steve crandall