Kenny Horton shot some pics at a local park in Bad news. Justin “J-nice” Weidell shot the pics and sent them over. J-nice was his breakdancin crew name When he was a part of The ” Greenvillians” break dance crew with Shea Nyquist a few years ago. They were Runners up on VH1s Dance something or other.
Flyin Brian Iarocci visited FBM recently, and built up a sweet Exodus ST frame, in preparation for the sequel section he is filming for Seek and Destroy/ Trailblazin 2. John Lee was overheard singing “I feel good” by James Brown, when he heard about the project.
In other news, Joey J., Cottle and the boys are having a jamboree this weekend, should be interesting, as they are totally insane. Check it out if you are in the area,Leonard Foster will be signing autographs!

Originally Posted by Steve