Cameron Wood took best trick at the Jam at X dreams this weekend, witha HUGE 180 from the steet course into the bowl. He was Stoked, and so were the rest of the riders, who voted unanimously for him to win. Fisher won Best Dressed, Mike Corts won biggest Hessian, Robbie from Diamond Back won lowest wallride, it was a tie with Cam, and the tie breaker was Paper Rock Scissors in the bowl, best 2 out of 3, and Robbie won in 2 go’s. Ryan Sher won Highest Air, I think he went 30 feet, maybe 40, and hung up sprockert once, it was cool. Tony Cardona won best trick on the hip, with a downside whip really high, and into the deep end. Look at Derricks face during best trick on the hip, he nearly won, by going super fast and far over the whole thing. More News later…. Thanks to Ken for the pics.

Originally Posted by Candall