We put up some pics of Ralph Sinisi in the Hall of Fame section of the site, thanks to some sweet photo contributions bt Jeff Z, and Dolecki. We’ll have an Interview posted soon. Most of the other riders have updates on the team/staff pages as well. We are stoked to have Ralph riding one of our bikes, as he is one of the riders responsible for the evolution of modern street riding today, and generally just an awesome guy, we are happy to have as a friend. Ron Burgandy was stoked on the news. Interjection- We make bike products. Forgash, could care less if we made anything, he would still rock and rollall day with Eric, AKA the mechanism. I shot that pic of those 2 outside t1 during SXSW. Chase was there, physically. Sweet baby Tarbell sent over a couple pics of his riding buddies, one of which Is Team Major Air founder, John Corts, and the other, Scranton johnny. Awesome!
Leland is having a Jam this weekend in Louisville, rumor has it, Reggie Styles will be in the ‘ville. Boo yes.

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall