Funny how little things can make your day. The other day a ride John Plate gave me call so stoked on his Autopilot, and for all the times you here kids talk crap on this and that, a simple phone call for John thanking us for welding on gyro tabs and repainting his Autopilot frame he sent back to us completly made my day. So thank you John! Ya’ll need to peep his Autopilot in PO Blue.
In other news make your way over to Woozy for details on Rattyfest and to see a pic of Tony Cardona in action. Speaking of Tony he is hitting the road and on his way to Transiton Jam in New Orleans on April 1st, and then to The Bridge in Joplin MO for a contest April 7-9th. If he see him tell him to Mow It! For more info on Transitions and the Bridge check out Louisianabmx.com and Bridge Contest. Chunk wants remind everyone to stay nice! He has the gossip on the Chicken Wing Challenge, and booty shakin action from the weekend.
Originally Posted by John