FBM HQ, Johnson City, NY, just the normal hackin’ and wackin’ of metal going on this week. It’s hot, it’s cold, it’s sunny, it’s snowy, it’s rainy…make up your mind. Please o’ please let spring be just around the corner.
We’ve extended the Art Ain’t Ill-Eagle contest. Why, you ask? Dude, we are getting too much righteousness to stop it now. My office walls are going to be oozing sweetness. You can check out the info somewhere to the right or left? of this post. At least 5 people are going to be receiving packages full of goodies. Keep ’em rolling in citizens. You have until the end of the month. This is a small sample of the lunacy.
EDIT: John Lee’s new Jump Off:
TT: 1 1/8 .035 (Sword tubing)
DT: 1 1/4 Double Butted Supertherm (Ivy TT)
SS: 5/8 .035
CS: 3/4 .049
Exodus drops, top was cut to match the line of the stays.
Seat tube, chopped w/ “Stove Pipe” BB junction.
Wishbone 1 3/8 ovalized.

Originally Posted by JPR