Here are some high zoot action shots of Gilly and Dave King, at Posh, as seen by Clint Reynolds of Credence fame. Nutter. Dave King just recently moved back to the Lehigh Valley after a stint in Philadelphia, and bought himself a house. Congrats.
Several years ago, back when FBM made Nighttrains and Old Boy Frames, a couple of 20 inch Top Tube customs were made. OUr Buddy Donor had one, and We used to always mess with him, and some 10 years ago, someone put mayonaise and sardines in his seat tube and bars…. We forgot about it, until recently when Donor Gave KB’s Daughter his old bike, here’s what Kelly had to Say-
“a bit ago Doner gave Molly his oldboy/ young boy bike. i was setting it up the other day. the seat was stuck pretty good. i banged it aground and it came out. i noticed some sticky shit on it. when i got it all the way out a tube of blackish stuff oozed out of the post. for a second i thought (what the hell did he have in here?) and at that instant i remembered all the sardines that were put in there ten years ago and laughed my ass off. this bike is great for that throw back alone.- KB”

Originally Posted by Steve crandall