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T.G.I.F. suckas, and there is a nice little snowstorm in the works in the northeast. Heres a picture of Fisher trying a x-up whip last week, he ballrode out of it, but shit, i thought it looked cool anyways. Just got word that Gilly was invited to dig dirt jumps…
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This is what the feet of the entire FBM staff might look like if it weren’t for the generosity of Derek adams and the crew over at Orchid footwear and Little Debbie. Big thanks to all of them for hooking us up with some kick ass new shoes, the last…
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Heres a pic of Mike Tag blasting a huge flatty at X dreams park last night, which was fun, I actually saw a rollerblader crash into an extreme mountainbiker and then a skateboarder crashed into them, it was like an X-games jambalaya. The guys at X dreams are having a…
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Thanks to everyone who participated in the raffle. We’ll be choosing and announcing the winners in a few days.
Originally Posted by FBM…
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Thad from Kansas sent us some photos to use for the website, heres a pic of Fabulous Phil Wasson, killing it, as usual. Look for more photos on his page tonight. Thanks Thad!
Originally Posted by crandall…
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I forgot to mention this earlier, but Dig magazine is giving away 3 free issues of their Mag, every purchase of an FBM frame, which is a cool way to see Hallman and Joe Rich’s amazing photography, this cover is Craigy from Minersville, that Hallman shot over the summer, and…
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It’s a wonderful monday, and i decided to post a picture of me doing a tabletop at the ghetto street comp. why? because i can.
I did a tabletop today, it wasn’t the best one ever but it felt cool.
Tabletops, good friends and good tunes make life better, do…
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I did a tabletop today, it wasn’t the best one ever but it felt cool.
Tabletops, good friends and good tunes make life better, do…
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It’s friday, woohoo. This picture of Dave was taken aftera tiring day of fiming for abercrombie and fitch, he was so exhausted afterwards, that he passed out at the bowling alley. He was later seen with Ernie McCraken filming for the sequel to kingpin. E-dog is off for the weekend…
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If anyone thought the picture of Fisher was questionable, check out E-dog, the jury is still out on that guy, he’s nuts. Minutes before that photo was taken, he had just finished the 3rd quarter fiscal review, did the payroll, and double checked the entire FBM inventory all for shits…
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