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Radical Bathroom…
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We (Crandall, johnny drinkshimselftodeath, and Nasty Nate spiero) left town thursday at noon last week, for a quick trip through the midwest, with our first stop to ride the Flow, in columbus, with catfish and crew, it was good fun. Afterwards we narrowly escaped sniper fire on 270, on the…
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We didn’t have any photos of new products that we are working on, but we had a couple of drawings of coffee mugs, and socks, that will be available soon, on the online store, which will also up soon. A couple of us might ride the Flow park in Columbus…
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2 live crew went down, but apparently Luke Sky walker isn’t in the band anymore, but MC Carpet was in the house, heres a pic of Kelly, and Hallman with MC Carpet. Fisher was onstage the entire show, and was yelled at for smacking the strippers asses. Holla. In other…
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If any one knows a better way to keep your feet warm in the winter, let us know. Catfish wanted to het sponsored by little devil so bad that he shaved the sign of the beast into his dog. Then it bit him in the balls. Phil Wasson called today…
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