We went to Bethlehem this weekend to hang out and shoot photos and such, it was a good time, although the weather was pretty shitty. Pictured here is Ryan Hillegas, riding the sketchiest skatepark in history, look for more news on this kid soon, he is a serious APE. Over…
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Heres a pic of Dave King on the ground after eating shit, trying to ice pick a hand rail from this weekend, check out hilgee in the back ground.…
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If anyone is wondering what Gilly is up to this weekend, he’ll be in Nyack Ny, visiting his Grandmother for her birthday. He will probably fart as well. Dunny will be with him, it should be an adventure. If any girls are out there with money, please email us with…
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Heres a Picture of Dave King.
Originally Posted by C-diddy…
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This is a picture of one of the early prototypes of the bike we are working on with Leif Valin, it was too big, so it was back to the drawing board with that one. Check out Leif’s rider page, which features a picture/art gallery, that we will be converting…
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Fifty cent and G-unit flew Fisher to NYC this weekend, to help record a new cut for an FBM commercial in Props, called “fishty cent yo!” While hanging with the homeboys, 50 taught Fisher the ins and outs of being a thug, and Fisher tought him how to drink olde…
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We are starting to do rider designed/endorsed products on the webstore, and the first one is this yellow ass coffee mug by Phil Wasson. Look for rider specific shirts in the near future as well. A portion of the sales will be paid to the riders, so they can afford…
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Stew Johnson of Props fame just bought an ambulance that he will be converting into the ultimate roadtrip/party vehicle after he returns from a 6 week trip to europe. Stew is kick ass, but watch out if you are sleeping next to a plate of rigatoni. Look for Chris Hallman…
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I know one thing is for sure, its not freezing cold in NY today, and the world looks a lot nicer when your not shivering. This is a pic of Mike Tag,doing a canadian footjam, Look for Tag on the 2004 nighttrain the next time you see him, they are…
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