
As long as there are no major problems, look for this years FBM Ghetto Street Comp to go down on sept 18-19 at East Coast Terminal this year. We just started planning it,so keep posted for more infoo as it becomes available. In other news, the first Equilibriums started rolling…

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Some photos from the impromptu weekend of Insanity for you. A big crew of people showed up in town this weekend to ride, BBQ, and Party, Big Dave (shown) was testing the new FBM old 76 handlebar and grill. Tons of great riding and trail fabricating went down this weekend,…

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Outsider frames are currently being welded by Big Dave, and Ken, and should be available again soon. Equilibrium frames are being processed now as well, and should be next on the production schedule, so keep an eye out for those soon. In unrelated news, Here is a picture of Dave…

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