
Hell on Earth’s Dave Walsh wanted you all to know about the next La Rev comp at Xdreams the weekend after the Ghetto comp this year, so check it out. The storefront is in Rochester Ny, and is super nice. If you are into underground music and BMX, check this…

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Here`s one for all the ones that don`t like the other one, here at FBM we aim to please regardless ,so this one s got more bends than bukowski`s life had in it.
Word is it will be available salted or not,Thanks for your concern.
Leif Originally Posted by .…

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Well it’s raining for the second day straight here in Binghamton. The Leifska is in town personally overseeing sticker placement on the first batch of Equilibriums. The production models look real nice. In particular the dropouts are smaller and the gusset at the headtube has been refined. In shop news,…

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After heavy weekend of relaxing and festivus, we are back at work today, some of the highlights of the weekend include the Manmade Video premiere on Long Island, where Fisher and I got to sign FBM on a girls boob, and we got to see a Huge Bouncer call Dave…

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We got a pair of transluscent red CB4ks back from the painter today. They are limited edition (35), so if you like them have your shop call up our distributor, Last Call and order a pair. We’ll be doing more Limited Edition color forks in the future, so email any…

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In other news, the “Ewok Village” Story is under the stories section of the website, so peep that shit fool. Manmade Video party tonight on Long Island, see you there….. Originally Posted by C-Diddy…

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Leif Valin has been at woodward a bunch this summer, and while not riding, he has been honing in his basketball skills. Recently MTV sports stopped in to shoot a part for “Jocks vs Extreme athletes” that Dave Mirra will be hosting this fall. In this photo, Leif Dunks one…

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The news of the PW moto signature frame for Phil Wasson has spread like wild fire all the way to Hollywood, where Mel Gibson has Allegedly offered Phil a part in the sequel to Braveheart, so he can get on the waiting list for the new bike when it’s released.…

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