This is the Maniac and Brian Yeagle amusing themselves in the rain. AND YES that is a pallet loop in the background. Derrick and Brian won $10 from John Paul Rodgers for making it to the casket grind box next to the loop without falling in the water.
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Rain won’t stop the Penske Handrail Challenge! These fools drove all the way from Virginia to set up in the rain.
Originally Posted by ivan the terrible…
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Did you notice the purple mothership in the penske photo. Sal isn’t just in the house, he brought the house with him and set up camp inside the street course. Look for salty Sal to be chillin on his stoop all weekend long.
Originally Posted by ivanovich…
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Well it’s raining here in Johnson City, but if you have half a sack that won’t stop you from coming to the ghetto comp. We’ve got a sump pump, and the rain is supposed to stop tomorrow morning. Hey man, sometimes it rains in the ghetto. This is a picture…
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Like I said, we’ve got a sump pump and an army of lunatics ready to do whatever it takes to make this contest happen. Even if you couldn’t ride tomorrow, it would be worth the trip to watch these fools get this place together. Oh yeah, Kennedy’s will still be…
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Kennedy’s Fried Chicken don’t close when it rains, so don’t worry about the weather at the Ghetto Comp, and show up (it won’t rain anyhow). You might be amazed what can be done with a pallet.
Sal is bringing the Mothership, and Team Pimpske is penned in for a party…
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Sal is bringing the Mothership, and Team Pimpske is penned in for a party…
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Ghetto comp updates, and schedules are posted, so look at the info before you email over any questions. Shit should be a doozy, rain or shine, and S&M is pemiering thier video saturday night, edited by Bob and Wiz. It’s a doozy. The FBM filming trip to Motreal was cut…
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Construction of this years ghetto street course is getting crazier by the day. Look for pictures of the course as it unfolds in the next couple of days. The contest is going on Rain or Shine, so be here on Saturday no matter what.
If you are…
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