Thank you to everyone who donated money to Jeremy Behler. We just got the t-shirts in and they will be shipping out this week. Again thank you and anyone else who would like to donate money can of course still do so. Simply click the Jeremy Behler link to the…
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A rider named Mickey from Germany is organizing a “Jeremy Behler” benefit jam in Augsburg, Germany. All proceeds will go to Jeremy and his family. If you live in Europe or have been looking for a good reason to go to Germany, check out the contest. For more information you…
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In case you hadn’t seen the 7075 sprockets, here is a pic. They are Pretty. Bike check’s have ben posted on Gilly and Steve Crandall’s rider pages, and there will be more to come, so peep that shit beotch. In team news, Dave King is in NYC this weekend, and…
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New from FBM, seat post clamps-HOLY SHIT. We are officially the first bike company to make a seat post clamp, so go out and buy 5 of them, they come with an awesome sticker. I like them alot. In other news, 7075 sprockets started shipping, and they kick ass.
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Guess which riders are pictured above (14 years ago) and how old they will be this week (old?), and win a free trip in the Mothership to Flo’s Clam Shack, and a gift package from Reggie Styles. In additional Birthday news, sales force Jedi, Kerry Sayre has a birthday this…
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A Crew of FBM cowboys spent the past week out in Vegas at Interbike, rustling up plenty of trouble. The phantom was in full effect, and even partied with Kid Rock, Catfish, and many others. Bad Bad. Show highlights include Greg Hill sitting on the Bitchin Camaro race bike and…
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Our new race sprockets are starting to show up and they look FAST. They should be available as soon as the other half of FBM gets back from Interbike in Vegas. Crandall, Jeff, Kerry, and Big Dave are all out in sin city representing FBM. Word is that C-diddy was…
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We’ve updated the Ghetto Street link and added a benefit for Jeremy Behler, the rider who was seriously hurt at this years Ghetto Street Comp. Jeremy crashed hard and broke many of the bones in his face. He has since undergone surgery and is healing, but he has no insurance,…
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This is the sort of thing that gets the guys in the machine shop excited, it’s a new jig for mitering fork legs. You put the fork legs in, lock them in place, and then cut the radii into the tops of the fork legs with a hole saw. This…
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