This picture was shot at least 25 years ago, of Mike Tag, who celebrates his 30th birthday today. Everyone at FBM wishes him the best of shitluck and birthday wishes. For those of you not familiar with Mike Tag, he’s the one who couldn’t say “elementary” right in Road Fools…
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Another weekend come and gone, and it was a doozy for sure. Here is a picture of Shitty Dave Aping it after a wild night of Booze, Women and Pasta in Bethlehem, keep posted for more news on that. Ron Metcalf was in half effect, while Dave King deployed several…
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Ben Pritchard shot this photo of some serious film work going down for an upcoming FBM video, pictured is Jeremy “magilla” Reiss throwing down some serious street spine action, while Steve Crandall gets the shot. Look for the video to be released as soon as we actually get some footage.…
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Derrick Girard is a kook. He’s got the keys to my apartment, so if you see him, let him know….Product news- Jeremy “Magilla” Reiss is in town working on a triple clamp seat post clamp that is lighter than any thing on the market right now. More news on that…
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Originally Posted by chris…
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Halloween is behind us now, and some of the FBM crew went to Bethlehem to check out Kyle Kecks new video, and party with Chris Stauffer who threw a premiere/party at a bar he rented, it was super fun. While down there we hooked up with Jeremy “birdman” Behler, who…
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2 updates in one day. Wow. If we hadn’t run this picture of the infamous Mark “toast” Johnson without dreads, then you wouldn’t realize that he is the same kook from the FSA ads thats had dreadlocks for like 20 years. Mark is a a good friend, so we can…
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