
After Serious editing for weeks, Stew Johnson celebrated finishing Props Issue 54, by Flying FBM executive E-Dog, and Rayray to Austin Texas for Death Rattlers, and an all U-can eat at Jimmy Buffet’s Dinner Palace on Guadalupe. In that issue, Leif Valin has an interesting Bio, and there is an…

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A few days since a news update, and I ‘ll tell you why. After the comp at Stateline, I decided to drive to Florida, and essentially turn right back around and drive back to NY. Bad weather and bad traffic, I actually drove myself INSANE. Not the smartest idea I…

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Catfish was officially wearing a shirt with Biggie Smalls on it at the Comp today, which was won by Tenessee’s very own Will Love, who by the way is a serious fu*!#ng Ape. Colin Winkleman showed up 30 minutes afterwards due to sever injuries recieved crashing over a van that…

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Unlikely friday night party, SCG shoes steve, C-did, Catfish, Rob Darden, Allan Cooke, Matt Miller, Josh Harrington, and more. Steve Cuesta was at the store, spending steet rider Tony’s money on PBR. Stateline Skatepark tomorrow, we out… Originally Posted by c-unit…

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It’s friday November 19th, exactly one week past Kelly Baker’s birthday, which we all forgot about. Happy belated birthday to Kelly who is now 38, and still going shit nuts on a bike. A few weeks ago he jumped 45 feet off of a launch ramp after being towed at…

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I received an email from a Chenga local nown as “pants” today with a picture of him attached. In it, it said “billy Idol is gay”, “John Corts is a bitch” and “curtis aint shit”. I have no idea what it meant.
Look on Phil Wasson’s page for his interview…

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Look for Tony Hamlin’s foul mouthed interview posted today on his rider page, and find out why him and his friends piss everyone off. Expect to see Tony’s Chevy Malibu on MTV’s “pimp my ride” in upcoming months as well. For some reason Kelly Baker started firing out attempts at…

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Its a sad day in American history, Wu-Tang’s very own Old Dirty Bastard has passed away. In remeberance, we post this picture of BMX’s closest version of Big Baby Jesus himself, (aside from Fisher) Shanton Wilson. Shanton’s Ape status was confirmed when he was kicked out of Kennedy’s Fried Chicken…

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The new Issue of Props is nearly done, Stew Johnson, with the aide of his trusty squirrel “merle”, just finished Leif Valin’s Bio, for that issue, which has been described as “bizarre”. Awesome. Kelly Baker is 38 years old today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY mang. In other news, Its snowing in New…

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Guess whats going on this photo, and win an evening with Big Dave that ends up at Kennedy’s Fried Chicken during its peak hours. In other Big Dave news, the photo on his page labeled “couch nazi” got us a phone call from someone concerned about us being nazis. To…

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