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Its an awesome party at FBM today, Monday Jan.24th. This Bike is a Pipe Bomb is on the iTunes, and Duece even called . We have a decent amount of beanies in stock, although its late in the season, its still cold, so peep them on the online store, or…
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I saw the snow monster from Ken the welder’s Imagination last night, during the storm, and he demanded menthol cigarettes. We were given about a foot of snow, and very cold temperatures, he was psyched.In unrelated news about the weather, if anyone knows NDN Paul from Wisconsin, have him give…
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Dig magazine, an amazing publication from Ireland, is running this subscription deal. so check it out. Dig has been a long supporter of FBM, and you guys should really check the mag out. They need the support so they can kep putting out the mag, because shit ain’t cheap, making…
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Remember the contest we had is september? The one with all those shitty ramps? Well Paul Horan, who won best trick by launching off a Penske truck onto a handrail, rides for Relapse Clothing, out of Philly. They have a cool shirt with a guy with a saw for a…
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We gave the site a new look, so unless you are retarded or have a shitty computer, you should be able to enjoy some different visuals. Last week we posted a pic of Ron Shitcalf eating Dave Kings foot, now Ratty Shitty Adam, from Empire is eating Dave’s Ear. Cannibals.…
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This is a pic of the new FBM shirt we got in, in Brown and Black t-shirts. I have been on the phone talking to shops this week, which Jeff and Kerry usually do, and its good to actually talk to some of the people selling FBM shit. Phu at…
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