
It’s Friday, and at FBM it means we go and eat chinese food at a place called Foliage. They make our bellies full with tofu and vegetables. Its great. E-dog and Harrington got snaked by some old ladies there today though. Anyhow, the Last Call Crew is back From Mega…

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The 2 previous updates, were done by none other than FBM’s favorite travelling wilbury, Ryan Corrigan, drunk, and with no regard for spelling, puncuation or grammar, RC got E-dog psyched this time. The april issue of Ride came out, with this Shanton Wilson ad, check the ad archive for a…

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dave and corrigan had a bike barspin challenge. ratty shitty devdog was all over the course shreadin barspins like it was no ones business. chase hawk was in attendance but he was too ratty to get annnnnny thing done, so he just said aahuggghahaharobo!!! next up as the 540 t-tap…

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In the midst of random and bizarre updates, sometimes I forget to mention how kick ass FBM bikes are. The reason is because Kick Ass Welders are making them. Here are some pics of Big Dave, and Crazy Ass Ken the Welder working on some frames. It’s tough sometimes back…

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dave king of fbnm crash status has started his own clothing company called HOT UPPER LIP. shirtis are 8 whole dollars to buy. email for details on hot ass shirts. Originally Posted by c-didy…

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The MEGA tour in Florida ends tonight, at the Skatepark Of Tampa.
I guess Jeff Harrington has not pulled a bike flip yet, as reported by Kerry, and he will probably end up changing crank arm size when he gets home as a result. Tony Cardona DiD knock himself out…

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