Tony Hamlin and Aaron Ross are competing in a contest, on who can have more fun this week, So far Tony Has already antagonized an old lady, Smushed Ice Cream into Twin’s face while they were eating waffle cones, and Gone over Niagara falls in a giant Beer Mug. Aaron is slow on the get go, he’s eaten a 40 ounce can of ravioli, and watched TV. Any rate, I found this picture of Joe Rich in an old Photo Album. I shot the pic in or around 93 at the first skatepark comp I remember ever going to in Newburgh NY. I didn’t know who he was, and realized it was him years later. I alos found pics of Jeff Allen, Robbo, Luc- E and Chris Hallman, none of which I had any clue of who they were, but they were all shredding. Duny was at that comp as well. Sweet! S & M is celebrating 20 years of being awesome in August, Hopefully flights are affordable, and we’ll see you there!

Originally Posted by Steve crandall