The wonderful fellas at American Icon, the best screen printers on the Hudson River, sent over the new FBM shirts, hot off the presses. When Asked what he thought of the shirts, chunk responded- “what do you think If I got a fully detailed back tatoo, of Me and My dad fishing in a canoe..?” His Dad’s name is Buddy Tillman, and he looks like Tom Petty, anddrinks Busch out of a can. He used to have a pet Goat. Any rate, You can Call John, or John Paul at Last call for Bike shop availability. Big Dave just welded up some gas tanks for a company in Ithaca that converts diesel engines to run on Vegetable oil. Stoked on that. Gasoline prices can eat shit. He got the Veggie Power tattoo at Wild Style tattoo on mainstreet, next to the Green owl Diner.

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall