There are new pics, and an entire new “rookies” section on the FBM Team section…. Some of the Pro’s have updated Bike Checks, and pics, and most of the Rookies stuff is up, although its still in progress. FBM Rookies posted are Mickey Marshal, Billy Ashby, Joey Juaristi, Joel Barnet, and Garrett Gilliums. Hall of Fame bike check updates as well. Look for Garrett, Joel, the Corts Brothers, Mickey,Tony Cardona, Billy Asby, and the world famous Mike Tag in Richmond Va. at the Bike Lot. where we’ll be riding and hanging out with Evan Venditti, Rob Tibbs and the locals for a session, before heading southeast for an FBM trip. If you have any spots you want us to know about in the Southeast. shoot us an email. John Lee is packaging up the new 08 joints that are in stock, and now available with Seat Stay brakes, and brakeless as an option. So give a call and get one…Sweet Baby sent over a couple pics from an Elmira park weekend session as well, holla…..!

Originally Posted by Crandialer