Two for Tuesday, today we have a new Joel Barnett web vid, as well as a new FBM Pictorial flipbook with some photos from our South of the Boredom Tour earlier this year. We posted that Video below as well, it too has some serious Joel Shredding. We hope you dig it.
To see other FBM videos, check out our Vimeo Channel, there are over 50 short videos posted as well as some classic FBM features.
To keep up with FBM elsewhere on the web, check out the FBM Face book page or follow us on Twitter.
If you are not interested in surfing the web all day, you can always sit tight, and peep the Fbm Media page to see an extensive list of our videos and Flipbooks. You can also spend some time on the Product or FBM TEam Pages.
Anyrate, we appreciate anyone that takes the time to check out some of what gets done at FBM, thanks!

Originally Posted by Steve crandall