New hubguards with steel insert hat washers are now available. We got some of them in at Last Call, as well as the new shirts, and whatnot. Jeff harrington will gladly help you out if you call. Chunk has been packing, and shipping orders between Miami hoppers, While Dylan Cole is keeping warm in the back, grinding parts, and singing along to Nitro playing “freighttrain” on the Stereo. Big Dave completed some Prototypes, for the Cameron Wood? Tony Cardona that will be released next month or so. Its so gosh dang cool looking, that I shot ANOTHER pic of dave at his welding table from the exact same angle as the last 44 pics of Dave at teh Welding table. Innovations in the contents of the pic, rather than the pic itself.Now Playing – Fifteen- “lucky”.

Originally Posted by Cran Cran