We just made another newsprint zine, it has some stories, a ton of pics and some product info. Its free at your local bike shop, or if you order something off the FBM online Store. Hoodys and Jackets are on sale real cheap right now too! If you work at a Bike shop, Just Give John Lee a call and he’ll get you a couple of these badboys. Random John Lee Pic from last weekend. DMC, AKA Dennis “the real” McCoy. has an interview up on Fatbmx and some pics on his FBM. D is the man. Speaking of Fatbmx, Paul Dejong just had a baby this week, congrats old timer. Kelly Baker went to Brian Pleva’s BMX museam this week. You Can look at pics of the cool vintage bmx stuff on Kelly’s Blog Site, its really cool. One of the cool things about BMX, is how it affects some people. It’s really powerful, and can change people’s lives in a really positive way. A lot people are “into” sports, which basically means they have a team hat, and watch some millionairres play a game on TV. If someone is into BMX, its a lifestyle. and its addicting, and people actually participate. Its not just spectator involvement. People that are into BMX are really INTO bmx, riding, the goodtimes, the adventures, the thrills, and that is what seperates us from alot of people. If the best part of your week is watching someone else do something on TV, it might be time to dust off that old supergoose and have some fun….

Originally Posted by crandialer