The New Deployers should be available very shortly, and the new Autopilots are out now. Both bikes feature new Headtubes, new Colors, and NIL-8 Technology, A heat treating process that relieves stress in heat affected areas. The eployers will also have new bridges, and sticker packs. Blackie Lawless aproves, and the Deployer works great for jumping doubles at trails. Stems, seat post clamps, and Hubgaurds are all in stock, and the clamps and hub guards are now available, in red, gold and green, amongst other colors. Flavor Flav personally delivered them himself. Here is another pic of Tony Hamlin, Shot by Ben Pritchard, at the Xdreams Bowl. You can see in the back, if you look closely, that there is a curved wall and a sub box attached to the bowl.There will be 100 bucks up for grabs for the lowest wallride at the comp….Now Playing, Dead Low Tide- “navy buttons”

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall