The NAHBS was at the convention center this weekend in Richmond Virginia, as well as a Bike Polo Tournament, A fixed Freestyle jam put on by Trick Track and RVA fixed, and an FBM Open House at Local Shop Recycles, alongside Brooklyn Machine Works and Profile Racing. BMW Welder Ken musgrave was on hand, showing the New Brooklyn goodness, and Christian of Profile made the drive up from Florida, showing a killer new Hub, and various goods, as well as outfitting a built up FBM Sword. John Lee, and John Corts were also fielding questions about FBM Customs and production bikes, to the 150- 200 people who passed through, guzzled beers and hung out with us.
Weekend highlights at the show, were too many to funnel into one blog post, But Handlebar mustaches were on display almost as much as the finely handcrafted art pieces from around the globe, there were some really amazing build ups being shown.
The Fixed Freestyle jam was awesome as well, any group of bike riders with enough initiative to actively participate, and put together events in the name of fun, are definitely noteworthy. The BMX contingent were blasting alongside the fixed riders and bar room bloggers, with little or no controversy, and it appeared that everyone was having a genuinely good time, riding outdoors in the sunshine, in late February.
Thanks to everyone who showed up to support any and all the events, and extra thanks to Re Cycles for hosting our display!
Stoked on bikes!

Originally Posted by Steve crandall